For many years, it was assumed that a child would not thrive if he did not live with his mother full-time. Now researchers have shown that a child benefits from maintaining a relationship with both parents. Unfortunately, many Americans, even those who work in the legal field, still believe that a mother should be entitled to spend the majority of her time with her child.
Fathers may already be at a disadvantage during a child custody case due to our country’s outdated views, so it’s especially important that any dad seeking joint custody takes every precaution to appear loving and capable. Here are the top three things you should avoid during your child custody case if you hope to have a chance at joint custody.
Moving Out During Divorce
Moving out of your family’s home during a divorce may seem like the obvious choice. After all, who would want to live with their soon-to-be ex? However, by moving out of your home you may forfeit valuable time with your children. If your spouse is caring for your kids throughout your divorce proceedings, it may not look as if you are willing to and capable of splitting custody. Of course, you and your family law attorney for dads know that you want nothing more than to be there for your kids. Unfortunately, this may not be Illustrated to the judge if you move out of your home. It’s best to stay put, at least until you speak with your custody lawyer for fathers about your next “move”.
Not Seeing Your Kids
If you are pursuing custody outside of a divorce, the sentiment behind our last rule still applies. You need to demonstrate to the judge that you make an effort to regularly see your kid. Make sure you take advantage of every opportunity you have to see your child, or you risk appearing as if you’re not interested in maintaining a relationship with him. Men’s rights child custody attorneys also recommend keeping a log of the visits you have with your child. It should include the dates and times of your visits, and it may be beneficial to describe any special events or fun outings. We already know you’re a good dad; you just need to show the judge all the effort you put into your relationship with your child.
Violating Temporary Custody Orders
A temporary child custody order is often put in place by a judge when parents dispute child custody. It is meant to ensure the child is properly cared for as the court reviews the evidence and prepares to make a final custody ruling. These orders may include details about where the kids will stay, how often visitation will occur, who has decision-making power, and more. It is important to remember that even though this order is temporary, it is still an official court order. If you are found to have disregarded your temporary custody order, you may appear untrustworthy to the judge. Even worse, it may lead to fines and even contempt of court charges. You may not be happy with the order, but remember, it’s only temporary. By sticking to the guidelines now, you’re much more likely to receive a favorable child custody outcome in the long run.
Feeling Overwhelmed By Your Child Custody Case?
A child custody case can be financially and emotionally taxing. If you haven’t been able to see your child as often as you’d like, the long process of requesting joint custody can be agonizing. That’s why it’s so important to have a knowledgeable attorney by your side.
The Micklin Law Group is a New Jersey child custody law firm focused on fathers’ rights. We believe loving and responsible dads should have plenty of time to build and maintain a healthy relationship with their children. That’s why we help our clients advocate for themselves during their custody case. We’ve helped many dads over the years, and we can help you, too.