New Jersey is known for a lot of things – summer nights on the boardwalk, Atlantic City and the fact that we don’t pump our own gas – but marriage and divorce is really not one of them. However, when you look closely at statistics for those tying and breaking the knot, maybe the Garden State should be recognized for its favorable marriage conditions.
Here are four NJ marriage and divorce statistics you’ve probably never heard:
1. NJ Has the Lowest Divorce Rate in the Country
If you want your marriage to last, get married in New Jersey.
Of all the states in the country, the Garden State takes the number one spot for the lowest divorce rates. Only 9% of adults in the state are divorced, and nearly 52% are married.
Researchers at Bowling Green State University in Ohio say the state is favorable for low divorce rates based on a few factors, including education, race-ethnicity and age.
Experts say that marriages are more likely to last if the couple gets married at an older age, has a college education and earns a higher salary. Most people who live in New Jersey fit all (or most) of this criteria.
2. 18-24 Year Olds Only Account for 13% of Marriages
On a national level, 23% of marriages involved couples between the ages of 18 and 24. In New Jersey, this age bracket only accounts for 13% of marriages.
The median age for first marriages in the U.S. is 26 for women and 28 for men, but in New Jersey, the median age is 28 for women and 30 for men.
3. New Jersey Has the Lowest Remarriage Rate in the U.S.
Not many New Jersey couples get divorced, but the ones who do are not likely to get remarried. Data from 2008-2012 shows that only 16% of women and 17% of men in the state were remarried.
The low remarriage rate can be attributed to lower divorce rates overall, which stems from NJ’s reputation for having highly educated residents that are financially stable and prefer to delay marriage until they’re prepared.
4. New Jersey Still Awards Permanent Alimony
New Jersey is one of the only states that still awards permanent alimony, which lasts until the ex’s death. Permanent alimony may be awarded if the marriage lasted 10 years or more and the spouse had become financially dependent on the other. Under this law, the obligee is allowed to maintain the lifestyle he or she had become accustomed to.
The Micklin Law Group, LLC is a New Jersey law firm focusing exclusively on family law for men and fathers. Attorney Brad Micklin was recently named to The National Advocates list of Top 100 attorneys from each state. Brad has experience working with high asset divorce in New Jersey. You can read more on this topic by visiting our prenuptials blog. To set up a consultation, call 973-562-0100.