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When Good Parents Are Persecuted By Child Services

When Good Parents Are Persecuted By Child Services

Child Protective Services has one main goal: to protect children. But far too often, good parents are persecuted by the agency. In some rare but sad cases, children are removed from the home.

When innocent parents are persecuted by CPS, it can be a long battle to restore your good name, and along the way, parents often accumulate costly legal bills defending their rights. When good parents are persecuted by Child Services, their lives are turned upside-down.

CPS Horror Stories

Child Protective ServicesTake, for example, the Debski family. Parents Andrew and Bethany had been accused of abuse after they brought their 9-month old daughter Clarity to the doctor. Clarity had fallen backwards off the bed, landing on her head. No injuries were apparent at first, but when Bethany went to nurse her child that evening, she noticed a bump on her head.

Clarity’s doctor was unable to see the child until Monday, and did not seem concerned about the incident. After all, Clarity was behaving normally. After his exam, the doctor remained unconcerned about the injuries, but after consulting with a colleague, referred the couple to the Metro hospital to get a CT scan.

The results of the scan showed a skull fracture. The doctor assured the couple that the baby’s health was improving, but they were referred to another hospital to get an MRI. But the MRI was never performed. Instead, Clarity underwent a full-body X-ray. As it turns out, the hospital was searching for signs of abuse. The child was admitted to the hospital, but no treatments were ordered.

When Bethany laid down on the hospital bed to nurse Clarity, she was interrupted by a social worker and four police officers. Photos were taken of the baby, and both parents were questioned separately. Saliva drug tests were also performed on both parents. Andrew’s test actually fell apart in his mouth, and fell onto the floor. The CPS agent bagged the test anyway.

Then, both parents received the shocking news that there was a petition for them to take the child into protective custody, and they would have to leave the hospital.

Bethany’s drug test came back positive. Andrew, who informed the agent that he was on prescription medication, had different results. The test did not detect his medication, but rather showed a positive result for cocaine, a drug he had never used.

The police officer who drove Bethany home assured her that the whole situation would be over soon, and that unfortunately, many parents wind up being persecuted by CPS.

While Bethany and Andrew ultimately maintained custody of Clarity, the couple had to attend hearings to prove their case, and were left with medical bills for unwanted procedures (the full-body X-rays and hospital stay).

Good parents are all too often the victims of persecution from the CPS. In some cases, parents can prevent the situation from escalating out of control by refusing to let CPS enter their home and hiring an attorney. In cases like the Debski family, it can be difficult to protect yourself and your rights.

The Micklin Law Group, LLC is a New Jersey law firm focusing exclusively on family law for men and fathers. Attorney Brad Micklin was recently named to The National Advocates list of Top 100 attorneys from each state. To set up a consultation, call 973-562-0100.

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