Many men spend a lot of time deciding to go through with a divorce. It’s not always a spur-of-the-moment decision. Instead, there are often many factors within the marriage that are carefully considered before a husband decides to file for divorce. This means you may have time to think about the logistics of a divorce and how you should handle important factors like division of assets, alimony, and child custody.
Divorce consulting provides men who are considering ending their marriage with everything they need to know. From offering an in-depth preparation guide to reviewing the documents and information you’ll need when you proceed, New Jersey divorce lawyers who offer divorce consulting will cover every important aspect of a divorce.
Consulting Before Divorce for Men in New Jersey
Most divorce lawyers for men in New Jersey agree that finances are one of the most complicated aspects of a divorce. When you file for divorce and choose a New Jersey divorce attorney for men your divorce will progress quickly without much time to consider different financial options. But if you choose to work with a divorce consultant prior to filing for divorce you’ll have plenty of time to compile financial documents and come up with a game plan.
A divorce isn’t all about money, especially for dads. Your divorce consultant will come up with a strategy to protect your financial and business interests, assist you with deciding on what you want regarding your children’s status after the divorce, and explain what to expect if the process ends up going to court. We’ll also consider the worst-case scenario, which unfortunately does become the reality for some men if they decide to get divorced. For example, divorcing a narcissist or someone with other high conflict personality traits can get ugly pretty quickly. Not every New Jersey divorce attorney knows how to deal with high conflict divorce, but our divorce consultants have focused on this area for years and can help you understand how to proceed.
New Jersey Divorce Consulting Attorneys
Choosing the right divorce consultant is just as important as choosing the right attorney later on. It’s important to feel that you “fit” with your consultant’s approach. At The Micklin Law Group we offer a unique consultative service which may be a good way for NJ men and fathers to start the divorce process without incurring significant fees. Rather than immediately becoming your “attorney of record,” we begin by working as your divorce consultant. We’ll continue to work in this capacity until you decide you do want to proceed with a divorce. Then we’re happy to take on your entire case!
If you’d like to give divorce consulting services a try before you decide to pull the plug on your unhappy marriage, contact The Micklin Law Group.